Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hydrogen Drum Kits

Hydrogen is fantastic, but only when powered with the right drumkits. Being a drummer, I know a few things about good sounding drumkits.

Hydrogen has posted a collection of a few of their "official" drumkits. These can be found here. My personal favourite is the Yamaha Vintage Kit. Note for Ubuntu Studio users it is easier to install these kits from the synaptic package manager. The Ultra Acoustic Kit from the synaptic package is by far the best I've tried.

However, there are plenty of drumkits hidden throughout Hydrogen's forums. I figured it would be a good idea to make a nice list. Please note that I did not create these kits and have not tried all of them. With that said, here we go...

  1. A homemade metal kit: SonorDesignerKit
  2. Kawai XD-5 Drum Kit
  3. Roland JD-990
  4. Yamaha TG-55
  5. A variety of clicks and pops: ClicksAndPops
  6. A homemade first attempt: Darthvim_beta1
  7. Premier Artist Series and Zildjian Cymbals: PremierKit. More info here.
  8. Another homemade jobby: Aqoustic
That's most of the drumkits...not really, I'm just getting tired :)
Hope it helps

Other posts you might find interesting:
My Attempt at a Hydrogen Drumkit
How to make a Hydrogen Drumkit
Hydrogen Drum Machine Basics
Making a Roll Sound Realistic
Funk Hydrogen Beat Templates
Hydrogen Drumbeat Templates - A Non-drummer's Best Friend


Unknown said...

Thanks mate, very usefull :)!
We are also a band doing their first recordings, Ill check this out oftenly!

Mike the Tike said...

Also check out Brian's hydrogen drumkit. It's recorded from his TAMA superstar kit.

Anonymous said...


unfortunately the links to SonorDesignerKit and PremierKit are dead. Couldn't download them (got a 404).

There are a lot of electronic drum kits (like samples of classic Roland stuff) available, but I lack a really complete good sounding rock/metal drumkit (sorry, but your kit is not exactly what I am looking for). What I don't seem to find in drumkits is the sound of a short (damped) crash cymbal (like you can hear in metal songs), neither of China's. Maybe I should start from an existing drumkit and modify (shorten) a crash sample...

Brian the Lion said...

Hey Koen,

Thanks for the feedback. There is a way of making the cymbals sound more damped by editting its sound from the instrument tab in the instrument editor. I can't remember the name of the dials and knobs there off-hand, but mess around with them and I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

I might not be what you're looking for but give it a try.


Antonio Grazioli said...

Hi, I am hosting the GSCW Drumkits here:


Anonymous said...

Hi Brian,

I created the XD-5, JD-990, and TG-55 drum kits. I just finished another one, the Yamaha RX15 kit. You can get it (and the others) here:



Brian the Lion said...

Hey Jason,

Thanks for the feedback and the awesome drumkits too.

By the way - do you know that Brian's Bedroom has moved to http://briansbedroom.org

I hope to see you there.


Anonymous said...

good info

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